Workshop 4, June 2016

The fourth LAUGH workshop discussed emergent themes from the first year of the LAUGH research project.

The fourth LAUGH workshop summarized emergent themes from the first year of the research project and was an opportunity for participants to discuss ideas and design directions.  Participants included representatives from the charity sector, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, residential care homes, carers of people living with dementia, art therapists, designers and researchers.  Their expert feedback on the themes will been used to directly inform designers at upcoming ‘design challenge’ workshops.

The six key themes that have been identified from the data from the first year of the research, and that will inform the design phase of the project are: nurturing, security, movement, purposeful, attention and re-play.  These themes are discussed in more detail in the paper ‘Designing for wellbeing in late stage dementia’, submitted to WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being, Birmingham City University, September 5-6, 2016.




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